Mannheim Township Redistricting

I live in Manheim Township in Lancaster County, and I have lived here for 41 years. I live in the 97th House District, the 13th Senate District, and 11th Congressional District. Manheim Township is largely a residential suburb of Lancaster City. Although we are the largest township in population in the county, we are not large enough to have our own House District. We are contiguous with Lititz and East Petersburg Boroughs, East Hempfield, Lancaster Township, East Lampeter, and Warwick Township. Today, all of those communities are similarly suburban to Manheim Township and share similar demographics, except Warwick, which is largely rural. Yet, we are paired with the totally dissimilar Warwick to comprise the 97th District, I assume because of gerrymandering. Warwick would be better represented by a completely rural district, together with any of its other neighboring rural communities and Manheim Township would be better served by joining with any of our other suburban neighbors because of our common communities of interest. Lancaster Township would be most suitable, since we share a police department. My Senate district is similarly and unnecessarily disjointed, including 15 small, sparse and very rural communities instead of the obvious and neighboring similar communities of East and West Hempfield and the boroughs of Columbia, Marietta and East Petersburg. Combining those neighboring communities instead would make a much more compact district of similar neighborhoods. My Congressional district is most concerning because the areas of Southern Lancaster County, Southern York County and rural areas do not represent the Manheim Township community. Demographics of Manheim Township include largely suburban neighborhoods and a fast growing economy would be better suited if we join Lancaster City, York City, Suburban York and Harrisburg. Our school sizes and demographics compare better to urban and suburban districts than that of mainly rural communities. I believe following my suggestions would make these districts fairer and better represented because communities of interest would be grouped together. We will have better representation of our needs and requirements by lawmakers that identify with the urban and suburban constituents.