Huntingdon county/current 81st District

In reviewing some proposed Maps, I must disagree with the proposed map from Fair Districts PA, "The People's Map". Specifically regarding the current 81st District and Huntingdon County. "The Peoples Map" divides Huntingdon County into two Legislative Districts (70 and 68) while also removing Juniata Valley School District from a majority, Huntingdon County Legislative District and into a majority Blair County Legislative District. The Peoples Map also combines or divides numerous current districts in the central PA area, creating new Districts of unfamiliar entities (counties, townships, school districts). The Holt map is preferable. The Holt map does not divide Huntingdon County. Also, the Centre County portion of this proposed District 81 does not divide a township, and adds no new townships that are not already, at least in part, in the 81st District. Continuing to have Huntingdon County represented by one legislative District, keeping all of its school districts in one legislative District, and having familiarity with the current local governments is important to me.