Moving District 33 to District 32

I cannot understand why the State feels like moving District 33 into District 32 feels this is a good idea. The mere thought of having our town of Oakmont into the same District of Penn Hills is UNBELIEVABLE. Oakmont WILL NOT receive the same level of service we are traditionally used to receiving. The WHOLE MOVE seems very very political and possible gerrymandering. It is no secret that a REPUBLICAN beat a long standing Democrat in our District. Seems rather obvious to me this move reeks political. Oakmont currently has a Democratic majority and there is no need to shift our district. The current District 33 is grouped by communities that are very similar in size and all associated with the AK Valley. For as many years I can recall our local Representative ( Dermody or DelRosso) have been present for Oakmont (and all small towns in our district). LUMPING Oakmont into the District including Penn Hills and Parts of Plum Borough creates a CLEAR disadvantage for the residents and businesses of Oakmont. The level of service WILL decline and the connection with our local Rep will fade. The majority of Voters in Penn Hills alone will IN FACT limit Oakmont having a say in anything connected to our district. This is evident with Verona being included in Penn Hills District in the past. They received little support. Please leave our District alone!!!!!