Size and similarity!

Frankly, anything will be better than the present division of Dauphin County. That said, both the House and Senate maps approved by the Legislative Reapportionment Commission, LRC, and the Fair Districts PA map, the People's Map, are far fairer than the present gerrymander. Of the two, I believe the People's Maps are just a bit better; however, the LRC map would do. The People's House Map certainly appears to create better possible representation for the minority communities that now comprise more of Harrisburg, Steelton, Susquehanna Township, Lower Paxton Township, Swatara Township, Highspire, and Middletown. These people cry out for better representation. Of the Senate maps, I believe the People's map is the fairer as it pairs Upper Dauphin County with Western Schuylkill County and Lebanon County and these are greater communities of common interest than the LRC map which pulls Upper Dauphin County in with Perry County and part of Cumberland County. That said, let me reiterate that both maps are better than the train wreck we live with now.