Fix gerrymandering in Senate District 16

To the Honorable Legislative Redistricting Commission: As a resident in Schnecksville Village, North Whitehall Township, Lehigh County, I am writing to express my disfavor and disappointment in the proposed Senate District 16. It favors the current Senator instead of making sense as a geographic and societal community. In particular, the little jog into western Allentown serves no purpose other than to clearly favor the current residence of Senator Patrick Browne. This is ridiculous. I am tired of living in a state which is a poster child for gerrymandering! I know I'm not alone. As a volunteer for the non-partisan group Fair Districts, 100% of the voters I approached were against gerrymandering. These voters were registered Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and third party voters. Fix this senseless "jog" in the map, please!