Do not gerrymander current 54th District

Dear Legislative Reapportionment Commission (LRC): I am dismayed to see the proposed legislative district map that will significantly divide the current 54th District into geographies that leave voters like my wife and me in Murrysville in the cold. I don't see enough ingress or egress of population to warrant this dramatic shift. One area that makes no sense: breaking up school districts that are working well. The proposed redistricting disperses voters AND their school voice as Murrysville AND Lower and Upper Burrell School Districts shift to these new entities. Finally, this will shift too many Murrysville, and Upper and Lower Burrell voters to the orbit of entire other towns, which have their own focus in terms of governance, business, residential makeup and Schools. In summary, this reapportionment proposal disenfranchises the Voters of the current 54th Legislative District, and the recent census doesn't warrant these dramatic changes. I urge you to keep the communities in the current 54th district as is.