Proposed revisions for the LRC House map

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I believe the LRC House map, as is, is a far more fair, more representative map than Pennsylvania has seen in at least two decades. Even so, it could be strengthened by attention to some local concerns not immediately evident to mappers, who can’t possibly know the challenges, history and terrain of every PA locality. I’ve had the honor of talking about district maps with Pennsylvanians across the commonwealth, and also have the benefit of the many community mapping conversations Fair Districts PA held in preparation of our People’s Maps. Even so, there are areas I don’t know well enough to be certain of the best approach. And there are also areas where I’ve heard arguments in a variety of directions and could support a mix of solutions. My proposed revision map is not an FDPA endorsed product, but my own attempt to work my way through the preliminary map, using what I’ve learned over the past six years. I must say I am impressed with much of what I see in the proposed map, appreciative of new minority districts created in places I would not have seen. I was pleased to see use in some places of the PA Voice unity districts, and other aspects of our FDPA People’s Map. With some adjustments to keep more school districts intact, and to fine-tune minority communities, I was able to create 29 majority-minority districts but I don’t have the benefit of legal expertise or the kind of fine-tuned mapping tools that might verify those districts. My map addresses some areas of concern in testimony submitted so far and lowers the population deviation by a point. The commission has promised revisions following the January 18 deadline. I hope my draft revision might be helpful in that. Notes for specific revisions are included in testimony submitted as part of the LRC hearing on January 6, beginning on page 8 here:

Quantitative Analysis

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