New District 32

I have been pleased to see in the new house redistricting map that Oakmont has been included with what I would consider it’s “communities of interest” though I have only come to learn of this term In recent years. I have wondered and asked the question about Oakmont not being included in the same district as Verona. These two small communities share very important infrastructure in many ways - probably most importantly, we share a school district. I believe the previous maps put both communities and our very small school district at a disadvantage as we are not represented as a whole, thus not really receiving the appropriate attention. Further, when I think about where my family and others that I know spends our time it really falls within the new mapped communities of Oakmont, where we live, Verona, Plum and Penn Hills. These are the parks that we use, the businesses where we shop, where our children play sports and the people we consider as close neighbors. This are the neighborhoods which most affect us. The new map makes much more sense for the community that I live in.