Please do not redistrict Pennsylvania!

As a resident of Burnham, PA I feel that the proposed redistricting of the PA House districts if not only flawed, but just plain wrong. With the current pandemic Pennsylvania citizens have relied more than ever on their state representatives. The flaw in this idea would cause those in my county that are in my current district will find themselves not making a 15 or 20 minute drive to access our representative, but an hour. From Lewistown to Mifflinburg. How is this a wise decision? And the part that is just plain wrong about this is that 14 Republican districts are possibly being forced together vs two Democrat. And this is not about this party vs. that party for me, this is simply about what is right. And what is right is not forcing communities to be divided. Pennsylvania I have always felt has been a strong common sense decision making sense. This proposed redistricting not only makes little sense, it is unwarranted and unwanted. Please when making the decision on this, put yourselves in our shoes. The people that you serve!