Concise Westmoreland

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Many municipalities in Westmoreland county have been divided. The attached redrawn map concisely eliminates municipal splits, with the exception of Hempfield township, with only one split instead of being split into four, as it currently is. The population of Hempfield township is over 41 thousand and has traditionally been split multiple times. In addition, as a resident of Delmont, moving Delmont and Salem township into the 55th legislative district and out of the 57th, puts us in communities that we have nothing in common with. Delmont and Salem Township include Greensburg Salem school district, moving these communities into the 55th legislative district divides Greensburg Salem school district and isolates them from the communities they are tied to for commerce, recreation, school districts etc...Delmont and Salem have been a part of the 57th legislative district for as far back as can be documented. These changes provide no reasoning as to why these municipalities are being removed nor why the school district will now be separated. The focus of the attached map includes to Westmoreland county and some surrounding districts. It is a solid map that I hope you will consider. Thank you for your time.

Quantitative Analysis

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