Redistricting for who?

Redistricting? So which Party gains? My guess is the Democrats. This State and Allegheny County have squandered millions and millions of dollars. So has Philadelphia. Who controls those 3 entities? Why do we need Redistricting? Who has actually a valid reason for this? Go ahead, I’ll wait. Splitting communities goes right along with an agenda. It’s not a good agenda. Why fix something that isn’t broke? How much time and money has been spent by our elected officials working on this? This does not benefit the people of Pennsylvania, you know, the people that put you in office. Wonder why the people have lost respect for politicians? This is a great example of that. Guess you all forgot how things work. All forgot your Oaths of Office. We are the people, you are elected officials to work for the people. Try working for people’s benefits, not the advancement of your Political Party. Just keep wasting time and money on things like this. Hopefully the people of Pennsylvania will stop being led around by the nose and stop re-electing the same loafers. Say no to Redistricting. It’s not about the people of Pennsylvania. It’s about Political gain.