LRC Testimony Solutions: Submission 670/675,

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This proposed modification to the LRC's preliminary plan amends House districts in Lancaster County, consistent with Submission 670, 675, 847 and other objections to divisions of municipalities and school districts in this region. The affected districts are HD37, HD41, HD43, HD50, HD96, HD97, HD99, and HD100. The LRC map is otherwise unchanged. While divisions have been reduced on this map, a comprehensive fix does not appear possible, as Lancaster school districts do not align neatly with the required population of House districts. Also, care was taken not to disrupt the composition of HD50, which the LRC has crafted as an opportunity for minority representation. Core metrics improve very modestly: the DRA compactness score ticks up a point. Measures of partisan bias suggest that the proposed modifications favor Republicans slightly. For a less extensive change that achieves some of the same goals, please see: I am indebted to the author of Comment 934, "AR", for several ideas. Please note that the objections shared in comment 1614 were also considered. Unfortunately, it was not possible to incorporate the authors' requests, due to conflict with the other comments and the need for population balance among districts. Nonetheless, a solution closer to their preference might be possible if the interests of incumbent representatives were disregarded.

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