99th District - Preliminary Redistricting Map

The proposed redistricting map for my district, the 99th, seems a bit illogical to me. The map is a drastic change from previous years and includes areas Berks County. This makes little sense, as this area in the next county not only faces different issues and has different needs, it is also naturally separated by mountains. Lumping two different counties and five different school districts would not allow us as citizens in either place to be served by our representatives effectively. Additionally, the 99th district would lose its two population centers, New Holland and Ephrata. While these are two different populated areas, they have similar needs and are close to each other. This closeness and similarity would allow representatives to make a difference and hear their constituents' needs, allowing citizens to be adequately served. By redrawing the map in this proposed way, citizens are being overlooked in favor or partisanship gerrymandering. I ask that this proposed map is tossed out and that the current map would either remain unchanged or face little changes. Thank you.