Thank You for Proposed House District 103

Thank you for drawing the new House DIstrict 103 as currently proposed. I am 76, and I have lived virtually all my life in the Capital Region, growing up on the East Shore, and living on the West Shore, in Camp Hill Borough since 1972. For too long, we have behaved as if the Susquehanna was a cultural as well as a political dividing line. Allowing for the obvious differences in perspective between urban and suburban folks, we most definitely have a shared community interest. We all want a growing and vibrant Capital Region, and to have that requires a growing and vibrant Capital City. An additional benefit, overcoming, in my opinion, some of the concerns expressed about location of a Representative's District office, or offices, is the benefit of having a candidates for Representative in the 103rd that will need to appeal to a more diverse and therefore more moderating electorate. This can not only help us in achieving our hopes for the entire Capital Region but should improve the level of political discourse and campaigns in our region. I sincerely hope that these considerations may overcome the understandable objections some have expressed to the way this District's boundaries were drawn. I believe that the benefits to all of us far outweigh the legitimate but, in my opinion, less persuasive objections to our redrawn District that I have read about. No map can be perfect, but the Commission has made great improvements in its proposed maps. Please keep them.