Please tweak LRC's boundary proposal in NW Phila

As someone who has lived in Mt Airy for 20 some years, I strongly support the People’s Map created by Fair Districts PA as it relates to the proposed boundaries of the current 200th legislative district. Our current ward covers both Chestnut Hill and portions of Mt. Airy. Under the LRC's proposed rezoning map, we are broken up and put with communities on the other side of the Wissahickon Gorge that are neither similar demographically nor easily accessible. This would break up a community of interest, seemingly unnecessarily. I believe the LRC’s well intentioned preliminary map unnecessarily divides a vibrant neighborhood based on simplicity over congruity and carves out borders based on ward lines that have little meaning to local residents. In contrast, the People’s Map keeps communities of interest intact, which to this resident/citizen, seems preferable and is more congruent with how we understand our neighborhood and community. For these reasons, I respectfully request that the LRC tweak the boundaries of northwest Philadelphia district in the spirit of Fair Districts PA’s People’s Map. To see the Fair Districts PA People’s Maps in detail, here is a link to their site: Thank you for considering these comments on redistricting.