
I'm writing as a concerned citizen and resident of the Hummelstown community to let you know that I am opposed to the preliminary map that has redrawn Hummelstown Borough out of the 106th PA House District. I'm moved to Hummelstown for being a small community which residents work together to help the entire community grow and offer a better place to live and work. One of the most concerning portion of this redrawing is the removal of one of the five elementary schools from the Lower Dauphin School District. Removing the school from this district to Harrisburg and Central Dauphin SD certainly removes the ability the students to be represented by those who live in our community. Also, the connectivity that currently exists between Hummelstown Borough, Derry Township, Middletown should not be altered as it has history of being working great for the economic and infrastructure improvements for the interest of our communities. Hummelstown residents deserve representation from someone within our community. If I wanted to live in Harrisburg, I would have bought a property there. Please consider this and all the other comments from Hummelstown residents and don't take away our community's voice. PLEASE keep Hummelstown part of the 106th PA House district. Thank you.