Support of the preliminary redistricting plan

I would like to thank and commend Chairman Nordenberg, the four caucus leaders, and the entire Legislative Reapportionment Commission and their technical support teams for their excellent and swift work on redistricting. I urge the commission to adopt the preliminary maps with final changes made in the same spirit as the work that produced the preliminary plan. I am resident of the City of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, and despite being in the Western part of the state I was appalled by the so called “Goofy Kicking Daffy Duck” federal US 7 congressional district created several years ago outside Philadelphia. The egregious gerrymandering reflected in that district reduced everyone's trust in a fair democratic process at a most critical time in this country. This was a clear example that a new redistricting approach was needed for both federal and state legislative PA districts. When it feels at times like democracy is on the ropes, referees of the highest caliber are sorely needed. I applaud the work of the commission in reducing splits and optimizing contiguity and compactness. In particular, I appreciate the attention given to minority representation, and, the transparency of the process. As a citizen concerned about clean air, clean water, and the accelerating climate crisis, with attention to the context of environmental justice, I have not felt that the PA legislature is representing our interests. No one, left, right, center or fringe wants to get sick from the air they breathe or water they drink. Political parties can and should debate, sometimes fiercely, how problems get solved, but not whether they get solved. Our legislature appears to have abdicated its responsibility to solve Pennsylvania's pollution and climate crises that are impacting our health and economy. Particularly frustrating is when proposed legislation never leaves committee to be voted on. (For example, legislation to establish community solar.) I hope that a fair redistricting plan such as the one proposed by the commission will motivate each legislator to address the needs of a broader base of constituents and that real progress on issues crucial for Pennsylvanians will follow.