Oppose Redistricting Bucks County

This commission that has drafted the Pennsylvania House of Representatives' new legislative districts has done Bucks County voters a grave disservice and as a Bucks County resident I vehemently oppose this plan. The net result of this plan would reduce the number of competitive legislative districts of the 10 in Bucks County from 7 to just 2. We are balanced Bucks county with a proud purple reputation and such redistricting will not represent we the constituents of this country accurately in most areas. We are diverse and want to remain that way. We want the best representation, not just party representation. Even some of our representatives who would be boosted by this change oppose it. Stop the gerrymandering. In a country already torn by divisive politics, don’t add to this! Be the change we all seek and listen to those you are to represent! NO TO REDISTRICTING!