Etna Redistricting

In the current draft redistricting plan, Etna borough moves from District 21 into District 33. Etna should remain in District 21. Etna shares community initiatives with other municipalities in District 21 like Millvale and Sharpsburg, including the Triboro Ecodistrict. This initiative has been beneficial for each of the Boroughs as they work together and pull communal resources for shared benefits, including more green space and climate responsible planning for our communities. Additionally, Etna is in the process of developing a shared library system with Millvale- this initiative will certainly benefit from a shared district between the communities, as our current House Representative is present and involved in community activities and this is something we would like to see continue into the future. Additionally, Etna shares neighborhood cohesion and community solidarity with its neighboring communities in District 21 like Millvale, Sharpsburg, and Shaler. These communities are not only geographically close, but share similar histories, neighborhood dynamics, and plans for the future. Etna should remain in District 21 with these communities.