No Gerrymandering Redistricting in PA

Dear Representative, Please make sure that you represent me and many other citizens of the Commonwealth who do not want gerrymandering. The recently drafted map is gerrymandered at unheard of levels. One party is packed into three districts that the other party will find unwinnable and likewise, the other party will have five districts that they control on paper and most likely will eventually win at the ballot box. For example, the 143rd District (the 611 corridor from Doylestown north) has flipped between parties the last three election cycles. As drawn in the draft map, a Democrat is unlikely to win the district. Likewise, the 178th District (Northampton Township east to the river) has flipped between parties in the last several elections but is also likely unwinnable for a Democrat as drawn. All citizens with integrity want fairness in redistricting. Competition leads to excellence. The redistricting plan you are suggesting with only promote increased divisiveness that is ruining our communities and our country. Do the right thing!