Philadelphia East Falls State House Redistricting

Philadelphia’s East Falls State House Redistricting - A Better Idea Honorable Members of the Redistricting Commission: As one of Pennsylvania’s most active voters, I urge you to reconsider the State House Redistricting proposal for East Falls, Philadelphia, the neighborhood in which I live. EAST FALLS is a KEYSTONE NEIGHBORHOOD - a gateway to NORTHWEST Philadelphia. Philadelphia’s Department of City Planning itself clusters this neighborhood with its adjacent NORTHWEST communities — Manayunk, Wissahickon, and Roxborough. The NORTHWEST is characterized by being strongly residential and identified with the Schuylkill River. Proposed redistricting would group East Falls instead with WEST Philadelphia, on the opposite side of the Schuylkill River. However, the River actually divides the City and creates separate sections. West Philadelphia, densely populated with a strong ‘eds and meds’ identity, is thus situated in an entirely different part of the city, with entirely different interests. To best serve East Falls, it is more astute and logical to keep its State House District as it currently is, a part of the NORTHWEST, with Pam DeLissio currently serving as our first-rate State Representative. Thank you for this important, timely consideration. Sincerely, C.B. East Falls/Philadelphia