The township of East Rockhill

We would like to weigh in on the debate on gerrymandering in East Rockhill township. Years ago, in public school, we learned that the Founders set up the current legislative system so that rural areas were not overpowered by urban areas.. The area in which we live is considered agricultural. To place it with an area that knows nothing about this kind of life is opposite to the constitutional intentions and is wrong. This area has a combined police force, supports the local hospital and nursing homes, attends the same churches and attends the same public school district. These common values are shared throughout the Pennridge area. Residents know that Upper Bucks County is considered the bain of Bucks County. The Bucks County Department of Health rarely supports any health initiatives at their facility on California Road. State Senator Steve Santarsiero only has offices in Newtown, Doylestown and Harrisburg. His recent newsletter does not have any photo ops north of Doylestown. Wealthy Buckingham pays a one percent earned income tax as opposed to a one point seven five percent EIT in West Rockhill. Other than sports, the Bucks County Herald only recognizes the Central and Southern areas of Bucks County with the majority of articles covering New Hope and lower Bucks county. We also get very little infrastructure services from the county even though we pay substantial taxes. Both East and West Rockhill have had to fight quarry acquisition, quarry expansion and gas pipeline threats at their own expense. When power does go out, calls have to be made to representatives on the federal level to get any action. No amount of redistricting will afford this area any kind of representation and by splitting off a portion that shares our values will only further dilute what limited representation we currently have. With the current influx of population to the urban center, it is counterintuitive to break off East Rockhill from the legislative district. The failed Pennsylvania policies have people moving from Pennsylvania. Again, we highly object to the removal of East Rockhill from our legislative district.