Maintain Coherent Constituencies!

I am writing to comment on the part of the proposed redistricting plan by the Pennsylvania Legislative Reapportionment Commission concerning Mt. Airy and Chestnut Hill, that, if enacted, whether by intention or not, will result in the most blatant example of segregation by law in decades. According to the Chestnut Hill Local that quotes Spotlight PA, “the demographics of Chestnut Hill’s State House district would shift dramatically. The current district is 64% Black, and if it joins with Roxborough it would only be 14% Black. The white population, instead of being 26%, would go up to 76%.” Being a long-standing, racially integrated district benefits us all. This proposal makes no sense from a wider community perspective as well. Mt. Airy is our contiguous neighbor and we share many common interests. We share the Germantown business corridor, walking easily from Chestnut Hill into Mt. Airy to shop. We share community services like churches, playgrounds, gathering spaces and public resources like police and fire, two train lines, our local Chestnut Hill Hospital and our admired representative, Chris’s Rabb. We share a community newspaper. Many Mt. Airy residents are members of our Chestnut Hill Community Association. We unabashedly love Mt. Airy! Roxborough and the 21st Ward are on the other side of the Wissahickon and linked to our community by only two roads, Bells Mills and Walnut Lane. Unlike Mt. Airy, public transportation to Roxborough takes 36 minutes on a good day, involving two buses and significant foot power.   I am writing to the Pennsylvania Legislative Reapportionment Commission to encourage them to consider an alternative.  It is called the People’s Map, and it was created by Fair Districts PA.  (https://www//  According to the Pennsylvania Constitution, municipalities shall not be split unless absolutely necessary. This map would keep our communities of interest aligned in a way that makes sense. Thank you for listening to my concern,