End Gerrymandering in PA

My husband and I have lived in Pennsylvania all our lives. We both grew up in Fayette County, currently reside in Montgomery County. We have family in Allegheny and Westmoreland County who are also lifelong Pennsylvania voters. 100% of us strongly oppose gerrymandering in our beloved Keystone State. We have witnessed the damage it has done. Distorted maps result in distorted politics and subversion of the voters’ true will. New districts must be 1) equal in population, 2) compact and contiguous. Special interests must never again be allowed to unnecessary reshape logical and meaningful municipal subdivisions. Gerrymandering must end so that voters are powerful and our democracy is truly healthy. Only this way can we move our state to much-needed problem solving and away from special interests free to plunder state resources, subverting and undermining the true interests and health of PA residents and our natural resources.