Lower Paxton / 105th House District

I write to request that Lower Paxton Township continue to be represented by one member of the state house. I have lived in Lower Paxton Township with my wife and daughter for almost 20 years. I work and have a business in Lower Paxton Township. I worship in Lower Paxton Township and belong to four organizations located in Lower Paxton Township. I have seen firsthand the benefits to the community of being represented by a single state house representative. The proposed new house districts would have my residence and my business represented by different districts. It would take my place of worship out of my residential district. It would also split the representation of the community groups I belong to. Lower Paxton Township is a diverse and competitive district for state house elections. As presently configured, the 105 seat has had competitive elections the past two cycles. In conclusion, I am respectfully requesting that Lower Paxton Township remain in one house district for the benefit of the members of the community and the organizations serving the community.