Bucks County Redistricting

Download File (Redistricting Map - Keep Communities of Interest Together.pdf.zip)

I recently was informed of the redistricting that is being proposed for Bucks County. The proposed redistricting takes the voice of the people away and will serve to create more divisiveness and divide within our communities. Competitive legislative districts should be a right in this country, not a privilege. To quote the Courier Times, “This is deep purple Bucks, with 203,000 Democrats,193,000 Republicans and a well-earned reputation for split tickets. There's no way seven of its 10 legislative districts ought to be unwinnable for one political party or the other. That's not reflective of our community.” Also, “Competition breeds excellence. It breeds innovation. It instills a sense of urgency to be effective and a means of accountability for those who aren't. Removing competition invites complacency. It invites inertia. It breeds more of the same.” Redistricting in this way will effectively rob hard working Americans of their voice while placing all power within the majority party’s primary voters and/or the county political action committees. Americans are guaranteed a voice through a vote, this proposed redistricting robs hard working Americans of that right. Attached you will find a map that I believe most fairly and accurately represents the districts that we need in Bucks County. I would implore you to do what is right – vote NO on the proposed redistricting.