Dear Members of the Commission, My name is Bonnie Kaye. I am a 40-year resident of Oxford Circle. I am the co-owner of the Northeast Learning Center on 7222 Castor Avenue which helps adults to obtain their high school diploma. I have been working in human services for most of my adult life trying to change the quality of life for people who have been left behind in life. My neighborhood was quickly deteriorating over the ten year period before 2016. The neighborhood stores that had been the backbone of the community were disappearing, and crime was on the rise. I had lost faith in my elected officials because it was always promises that never were fulfilled or followed through on—if you could find them. Enter Jared Solomon. Jared is a miracle worker. He is on the streets daily meeting people and uniting them. We live in the most diverse area in the state where it could be problematic. Jared has brought people together of all cultures, nationalities, and religions to help with a better understanding and creating a safer environment. Who else is out in the snow shoveling elderly people out of their homes? Who else can you call when you’re in trouble and he personally responds within hours? NO OTHER STATE REPRESENTATIVE would ever match an iota of his efforts. Every day he beats the streets meeting people helping them with any problems with food, housing, employment, and education. Our neighborhood needs Jared to remain here if we are to continue the progress we have been making for the past six years. I am sending you this letter on my own; however, if you would like to see the names of several thousand other residents who feel the same way, just ask me, and I’ll be happy to get their names for you over the next two weeks. I only found out able this deadline yesterday or I would have had those names for you. More importantly, this community voted for Jared because he is Jared—not because of his party. We elected him based on our daily relationships and interactions with him. I am not a democrat anymore because I lost faith in the democratic leadership over the years. That being said, I voted and campaigned for Jared because he is a true leader. I know others who are not democrats who did the same thing because of how he has changed our neighborhood. If you go through with this, I can promise you that there will be a grassroots movement to stop it. I can understand if you want to redistrict after the next election, but this is the man WE voted for to lead us now and the man WE want for our representative. Please show that government cares about the needs and wants of the people it serves. Please let Jared Solomon stay in our district and finish his term.