Bucks Maps

The task of redrawing maps is no doubt a challenge. However, even if a single district has a 75% change, that should be a disqualifier, regardless of how content anyone may otherwise feel about the remaining districts. The change to the PA29 House seat smells of political manure. I have lived in Furlong PA for my entire 40 years and while PA29 has changed, the core of the district has remained Warminster, Warwick, and Buckingham. State Route 263 York Road is our business district, where we shop and visit professional services. Our time in that geographic location is the majority of our lives. Our personal investments and our business partnership exclusively owns real estate within this core district area. With the exception of Buckingham that will all change. When our main newspaper (Intelligencer & Courier Times) writes an editorial piece with such a strongly held position, this enough should resonate so strongly that it causes you to revisit this important decision. Please roll up your sleeves and find a more appropriate solution. Bucks Map 1B is constitutional and will keep communities of interest whole, while addressing the population changes. Please keep Bucks competitive.