Redistricting to change party majorities

Several different analyses indicate the current redistricting maps are extremely likely to create a de-facto Democratic majority in both houses of the PA legislature. Urban Pennsylvania will have a disproportionate voice over ALL Pennsylvanians, and it is likely that this majority will remain in place for many years if not permanently. This is an inherently political process with significant political implications. There are more than a few indicators the minority party is driving the redistricting to their overall benefit. One of the members of the redistricting commission, Rep. McClinton (D), House Democrat Leader, has said on numerous occasions in public (easily documented) that redistricting will be the method by which the Democrat party gains control of the PA legislature. According to FEC records, the redistricting chairman, Mr. Nordenburg, contributed $2,000 to the 2020 Biden campaign. He was also part of the Wolf Administration transition team. His political leanings likely follow his money and political efforts. With these maps and the new Democrat majorities they are likely to produce, Pennsylvania may very well be on the road to looking like New York State – bringing with it the death knell for rural and small-town Pennsylvania.