The Illegitimate Redistricting of PA

The overarching premise used to justify the need to redistrict PA is based on the 2020 census. However, an underlying flaw in the 2020 census is whether those responding to the census should have been. If they are illegal aliens, then the answer is plain and simply NO. This issue was prevented from being asked in the 2020 census due to one political group, the Democrat Party. According to our constitution, non-US citizens are NOT represented. Green card holders do not have Congressional representation, why should illegal aliens? So, redrawing any district maps, local, state, national, etc. based on a flawed set of data is illegal. In addition, the Legislative Reapportionment Commission is supposed to be non-partisan. Well, let's take a look at that. There are two Democrats and two Republicans and a chair appointed by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Not exactly an even party representation, especially when the Pennsylvania Supreme Court is involved. Which map is being supported? One developed by a Democrat contractor. If the map is not approved by the Legislature and the Legislature recommends either a different map, or staying with the current map, will the governor veto the Legislative Branch's position. And, if the current map stays, will efforts be brought that this is a Republican conspiracy. Will then the Pennsylvania Supreme Court simply overrule the Legislative Branch, thus making the Judiciary Branch in charge of what is the Legislative Branch's responsibility. This is what just happened in OHIO. So based on the above points, I cannot support the proposed redistricting map and strongly recommend that the current Legislative Maps from 2012 continue to be used.