Lower merion redistricting

Please don't approve the proposed house map for the following reasons: It impedes our elected officials’ ability to advocate effectively and leads to confusion in the community as to who their legislator is. By keeping House Districts 148 and 149 similar to the current map in cracking Lower Merion and Narberth, the proposed House map does not consider the population growth over the last decade. (HD 148 and 149 are in the top five largest population growth districts in fast growing SEPA.) At the expense of truly fair representation for our community, it appears to favor incumbents by maintaining the shape of the current districts . It ignores historical districts and communities, like Villanova and Bryn Mawr, which are more likely to warrant a necessary split in municipalities due to population, but would still allow for most of Lower Merion and Narberth to be together in one compact district. It dilutes our voices and representational power in Harrisburg despite being the largest township in Montgomery County, and with Narberth Borough, larger than most PA cities, with a population of 68,142.