Exception to Proposed House Map

When the state constitution outlined considerations for redistricting it was for good reason. This objection contains an issue of compact and contiguous and communities of interest. With the Borough of Avondale in the 158th district and not in the 13th district, it puts just the one municipality not in the Avon Grove School District that contains 2 Boroughs and 5 townships. Avondale is in the 158th district that has both the Unionville Chadds Ford and Kennett Consolidated School Districts in it. It would be hard to believe that the small population of this Borough would have the same or even equal consideration on school matters and difficult for a legislator to answer to needs if 3 school districts. Also, the population of Avondale is now approximately 75% Latino of all people living there. It also shares the largest Latino population in the school district with the Borough of West Grove in the Avon Grove School District. This would be a community of interest that would have their representation split. All ESL programs and special needs of this population would now be less in the 13th district and added to a much larger Latino population in the 158th but not in any other any school district there. The new map puts the Township of London Britian in the 13th district and removes it from the 158th. This Township was at least sharing the Avon Grove School District with Avondale in the old 158th District but now Avondale is the lone municipality in the Avon Grove School District in the 158th. The 13th district has had communities of interest split in the past many years. We have come upon issues such union vs nonunion votes, horse breeders' interest vs gaming/university funding votes, and the largest agriculture business vs environmental issues. There is a very good reason to leave communities of interest in the same district, if possible.