Against Pennsylvania redistricting

I am writing to express my opposition in redistricting in Pennsylvania and most specifically my district- District 178. If the plan moves forward as presented, this would split my township in 2. This would effect me personally, as I am on the side that would move to a new district. This divide would have many implications. The most important is that our township would have 2 different people representing them in the House. I would find this confusing and I am involved as a committee person in my township. If this would be confusing to me, it would be more than certain to be confusing with those who live within my district. They are used to going one place for assistance with their needs and if the changes move forward, they would have difficulties. This would lead to anger, disgruntlement and loss of confidence in the election process. I also believe that dividing our township would split the interests in our community in two and I would not have faith that a representative of a piece of my community, will have the best interests of our community in mind. Again, this would lead to constituents increasing their anger and distrust in their elected officials and in the election process. I believe this would cross party lines. Is this something Pennsylvania is willing to risk? Respectfully, Beth Rodman