Unjust and Unnecessary

This proposed redistricting plan is unjust and unnecessary. The people have not called for such a measure, and there is no logical reason to do this. It has been openly admitted on public broadcast, however, by some Democrats that one and perhaps the only way for them to win the seats they seek after the economic, personal and health damage done through Democrat-backed and mandated pandemic measures is to misuse and unnecessarily apply the tool of redistricting. I am not a Republican, but I cannot in good conscience support or witness the silencing of the diversity of voices in our beautiful state. There is no other reasoning for this redistricting plan other than political manipulation. All people in PA, regardless of political beliefs or otherwise, have a right to voice their opinion and make their own choices without external, unjust and unnecessary degradation of their rights through creative and manipulative line drawing. This redistricting plan must NOT be implemented, and whoever supports this must know their dishonorable actions lose the trust and vote of the people. This is not about political party; this is about upholding the integrity of the people's voice and of our state elections.