CK Bucks 5

View Map on Dave's Redistricting (

Thank you for the opportunity to comment and for the transparency of this process to assure a more fair and equitable distribution of State House Representatives in Pennsylvania. The LRC proposed map corrects instances across the state where gerrymandering has flourished. My comments are specific to Bucks County where I have lived for 55 years. Bucks County has three commonly accepted topographical/demographical divisions generally referred to in terms of lower, central and upper Bucks The proposed LRC map divides some existing districts that appear to better fall within those general divisions while shifting others that corrects past “packing” efforts leading to gerrymandered districts. A closer look at the proposed Bucks County divisions suggests even more refinement is possible based upon the objectives of the State Constitution of compactiveness, continuity, equalness of population and integrity of communities of similarity/interest. The attached proposed map revision, BC#5, would provide for an overall population deviation of 6.8% vs 7.8% and is more aligned to the lower, central and upper Bucks regional concept. Overall, changes to the existing order will be experienced in ways some may predict as painful but to act as a catalyst for true voter representation is among the primary tenants of what this country was founded upon. The responsibility of the LRC to follow Constitutional metrics seems to me to be primary and I am appreciative that the effort to do so is foremost.

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