Why is it so hard to make voting fair and equal?

The more politicians continue to make things unfair to voters - the working people that you propose to serve - the more our distrust in you will grow. We are your bosses - not the other way around. As we embark on a new frontier in 2022, citizens will have more and more access to real, truthful information that we will use as tools to take back our rights and our government. Politicians looking to bend the rules to serve their best interests - instead of ours - should have no future in this state and in this country. Those that listen to the people and run campaigns based on ideals - vs. cheating are our true leaders. Cheating is what you are doing by gerrymandering, lying, and pushing misinformation based on class and race to the populace - this serves no one - except the lobbyists & corporations that you actually serve. Make things fair and win on your merits - draw a fair map for all Pennsylvanians - or we will vote you out.