Speaking of fraud...

It has not ceased to amaze me since the last win in 2016 by a Republican presidential candidate, how many of our laws and standards have been stomped on by this new, authoritarian and tyrannical Republican party. I have been one of those wannabe republicans but cannot commit to a party which is so entirely bent on being in control they commit acts which, if done by any other party, would be termed partisan, illegal and racially discrimate. The Republicans of yore were not perfect but this present Machiavellian party should be cut off from the saner GOP and be made to run as a third party. Gerrymandering the districts is fraud and amounts to nothing more than fixing elections; hmm, this is something else that Republicans turn around and blame the other parties for, isn't it? Just do away with gerrymandering or apply a blue and red checkerboard grid over the map to divide it. You know, something non-discriminatory.