Statement to Support Todd Polinchock 144th

Todd Polinchock is needed for the Bipartisan 144th District. I have seen his work as a Volunteer Firefighter, and the work he has contributed to the Chalfont New Britain Doylestown community. I have seen the work he has done to help with the 309 and County Line corridors, especially with the influx of new residents in the area. I am scratching my head on why you would be redistricting when the population has grown in the area. Todd has been active in promoting farms and the agritourism in the area, and has helped with PennDot with the work for the Butler Avenue repavement that was immediately needed. Given how bipartisan the area, we do need Todd to represent this district to insure this continues - and the work that is done to develop, as well as promote the interests of everyone in the area is sustained. In addition, since Todd has been active in the area, he has skin in the game for the representation of this district.