Exception to Adams County PA House Preliminary Map

As President of the Adams County Economic Alliance, I am submitting an exception request for Straban Township to remain part of the 91st PA House Legislative District. Under the preliminary plan, Straban Township is moved to the 193rd District, separating it from the greater Gettysburg area where it belongs. Straban Township serves as a community of interest to the rest of the Gettysburg region in countless ways, including business, education, and emergency services. Gettysburg High School is located in Straban Township, as well as parts of the HACC – Gettysburg campus. The northern portion of Gettysburg National Military Park is located in Straban Township, much of which lies within the service area of the Gettysburg Fire Department. Straban Township is also home to dozens of retail and grocery stores, mom and pop shops, restaurants and hotels primarily used by Gettysburg residents and the tourists who frequent them. While much of the greater Gettysburg area remains within the 91st District in your preliminary plan, Straban Township sticks out as the most notable area that has been separated. Previously, this area was all part of the same legislative PA House district and I humbly request an exception be made to move Straban township back with the remainder of the 91st District.